Monday, November 24, 2008


Status... check... confirmed...

Yeah, so I am one week away from being through with college. Yay! One week of classes left, then two finals and I am finished save for doing my teaching internship in the spring then I graduate in May. Woot! But, this week I am doing some major studying, have to make a study guide over my full Strategic Management book, and I have a 15 page Business Plan to write up and a Online storefront to make for my Global eCommerce class. And have a week to do it in. Actually two weeks but I want it done before thanksgiving break is over with.

I will be so glad when it is over then I can get a job. When I make my first few paychecks I am going to buy me a new car, not a used one but going to the dealership and buying a brand new one in my name.

Don't know what will happen though after I graduate. I mean with Harold. Will he come through like he promised or will I remain here in my own hell just thinking of what could have been? If it is the latter I'm going to save as much money as I can so I can move out on my own with my kids. Hopefully as far from here as possible.

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